When you know Charge is in you, YOU are in Charge!


This fall in Life Skills classes, EP Rock Kindergarten students have been introduced to Charge, their internal locus of control. You always HAVE Charge helping you to be a problem-solver, but sometimes we THINK we DON'T, and that's when we feel frustrated, out of control and helpless. This is part of a curriculum from EmpowerU, which builds resiliency in kids - it reminds them they ARE problem-solvers! When we have those feelings we can:

1. Breathe and Check in - take a deep breath and think about how we are feeling and what we are thinking about.

2. Remind ourselves that we have Charge - we ARE problem-solvers.

3. Listen for our Inner Coach (the smiling, friendly voice in our brain) to tell us things that help us to be problem-solvers. Like maybe we have to ask for help!

Ask your kids about Charge!! They have become experts about internal locus of control!!


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