Want to be a Mentor?

Stand By Me Mentoring at EP Rock started in 1998 and is an amazing opportunity for adults to make a difference with a child. Adults commit to spend an hour a week with an assigned student, usually eating lunch together and playing a game during the child's recess and lunch. Here is an article about last year's program. If you want more information, please contact Kelly Curtis-Slaughter at curtiskj@hudsonraiders.org

Details below:

 Do you . . .

 Like kids?

Want to make a difference in a student’s life?

 Want to get more involved with your community?


Are you . . .

 Looking for a worthy cause?  How about one that builds strong community relationships, creates goodwill for your organization and helps shape Hudson’s future?


Then . . .

 Become a mentor.  Elementary students are waiting for guidance and encouragement from an adult figure.  If you have a little time in the day and room in your heart for a child, then the Stand-by-Me program needs you!

The Need


“Some days we skipped along pulling our wagon with great confidence – so full of energy that the load seemed light.  Some days the load seemed heavy and we needed someone to help us pull our wagon over the bumps in the road.  Some days we’re just tired.  We sat in our wagon and let someone else pull us along for awhile.  And some days it was kind of nice to share our little red wagon with a friend.”



If you are interested in becoming a mentor, or if you would like further information, please contact 

Kelly Curtis-Slaughter (715)377-3840 ext.2210 curtiskj@hudsonraiders.org



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